Shots from Wyoming

Wyoming was wet and cold, a very different look compared to the last time I was there. I must say, Teton National Park looks really cool when its rainy and cloudy. The only issue is that I have a major cold now. It could be from sitting in an airport with germs floating around, or maybe its because I was playing in the rain for 3 days straight. Hmm. img_8840-1

Idaho Falls. This is where we landed, and where Anne (the bride) is from. It snowed as we drove over the pass from Idaho Falls to Jackson Hole. I was freaking out as we drove our small rental car up the hill and back down (which was the scariest)...the first day we couldn't even see the mountains because the clouds were so thick. We were going to go to Yellowstone on Wednesday, but the park entrance was closed due to the snow. So we just hung out in Jackson and had some beers at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar.


Self Portrait at the Cowboy Bar.


Teton National Park. Winter snow melting and causing rushing waters.

Thursday we scouted out the wedding sites and took pictures around Teton Village and in the park. We also hiked part of Jenny Lake (in the rain). It was beautiful. We were the only people on the hike. I was scared. Again. Thinking a hungry bear might be lurking around the next corner. I would. Friday, before it was time to shoot the wedding, we took one last jaunt into Teton National Park. It was sunny in the morning so we were able to see the entire mountain range, and also set up the tripod for a picture of the 2 of us. Fun, fun.
